Friday, November 13, 2020

Dr Nash gave Maya A+ for hard work and dedication

We are so proud of Maya! 

Today’s email from Dr. Nash with the subject: Break the Tradition. 

Hi Maya and Elle,

I just wanted to let you two know that I am breaking from my policy and tradition this trimester to allow A+s where achieved...

Given all the constraints of distance learning and the clear extraordinary and beyond-expectations work you all delivered to our class as a whole, you clearly earned an A+.

I may never return to A+s once we are back in class together as I really do not like to promote them.  But you all inspired me, especially during our Food Truck Project, that indeed A+s can be a meaningful way of sharing my gratitude for your positivity, your perseverance, and your dedication to our overall class goals.

Congratulations! And Thank You!

Dr Nash

Juli Nash
Science Teacher
Steindorf K-8 STEAM School
San Jose, California

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Tahoe Nov 1-7

 Finally we are on vacation after being stuck at home due to the Covid-19, which is still raging on with more than 100k cases/day in the past few days. Mattias’s job situation is more clear but he has been working really hard. Luca’s remote learning is not going well and Mrs Horn has talked to us several times about him not focusing in the class and not turning in homework. Well, though we want Luca to get better we cannotp blame him. It’s hard for an 8 year old to stay focused on the screen for so many hours a day and the class is not really that much fun ( not the teacher’s fault.) Maya is doing great with her school. She’s always very independent and loves to learn. 

We stay in a 4-bedroom house in north Tahoe. holly/ James join us the first two nights. Tahoe has many beautiful state parks and trails. The colorful foliage, especially the aspens with its golden yellow leaves, is quite a view. We hike on three trails: East Tahoe Trail, Eagle Rock and Shirley Canyon and enjoy them all. We have to cut the vacation short by leaving two days earlier as the temperature plummets overnight and it begins to snow Friday morning. The forecast says there’ll be heave snow over the weekend. Without our mini van and with no snow chains we certainly don’t want to take the chance. 

Biden won and Maya slept in her own room!

 Two big events today. First, Biden/Harris’s big victory. We watched the news together, joyous, excited and hopeful. 

Second, Maya decided to move back to her own room to sleep. We didn’t see that coming. We asked Luca if he would move back to his own room to sleep and he said, “No way!” 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Mommy baked the most yummy cookies in the world

when it comes to cooking and baking, mommy usually doesn’t like to follow recipes. Last week, she watched a MasterClass baking tutorial and baked cupcakes. They turned out inedible because she had added too much salt and not enough sugar and butter. Anyway, she learned a lesson and is determined to make some yummy food. She started with buttermilk waffles, and followed a well reviewed recipe she had found—added all the ingredients at the right amount. The result was beyond tasty!! The family has waffles

for breakfast two days in a row and there was no leftover. Even Trevor got a piece. Today she made chocolate chip cookies from scratch. They are the most delicious cookies EVER! 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Daddy gives Luca a much needed haircut

After much research, daddy got a fancy shaver. (Two weeks ago, mommy cut daddy’s hair with his 20-year-old shaver. Mommy thought she did a fantastic job but daddy was not sure. ) Today he cuts Luca’s hair...a bit too eager to show his craftsman and his new tool. Luckily Luca doesn’t need to go to school tomorrow, nor the day after, nor next month. Let time be the healer. 

Monday, July 13, 2020

A new kitchen!

Our backyard is almost done

The project had been going on for more than two months now: new stones around the pool, travertine tiles throughout most of the yard, outdoor kitchen, no more old deck floor but an open space, tree trimming (we were a bit upset with our contractor as he cut off the tops of our two young maple trees without our permission), new deck roof, new beam (the old one had termites), window leak fixed, new lawn, irrigation, new planting around the pool, lighting...a long list. It looks nice, and we have had Holly/James over for dinner two weeks ago.