Thursday, August 1, 2019

Mommy is away for her Macondo Writers work shop July 23-28, 2019

Mommy took off for her Macondo Writer workshop and daddy got to have Maya & Luca all to himself for the week!

Maya and Luca spent the days from 9-3pm at CD's art studio for Summer Art Camp while daddy tried to get some work done. Both Maya and Luca really enjoyed painting and creating art. Maya and Luca created lots of beautiful paintings, a bird house and a mosaic stepping stone for the garden!

Unfortunately our dear cat Leo got hit by a car on Friday morning. Luckily he showed up right as we were walking out the door and we could immediately tell he was injured. We took him to our vet but they referred us to the emergency clinic since the only vet on duty was in surgery. We got Leo checked in and set up for care and X-rays and then we went on to art camp and work for the day. We talked to the vet in the evening and he told us Leo had fractured his palate and injured his eye. Considering the circumstances it was a very fortunate outcome that didn't require any surgery.

We got to come visit Leo on Saturday morning and he looked a lot better but still wasn't able to eat and was in a lot of pain so we decided to let him stay another night with IV-fluids and pain meds so he could recover a bit more.

We cheated a LOT and had Pizza-My-Heart for dinner one night, the next night we had In-n-Out burgers and Friday night we went to our favorite Pho-place. We snuck in some ice cream as well! :)

On Saturday, after visiting Leo first thing in the morning, we headed out for an 11 mile bike ride along Los Gatos Creek. We had a great time together and really enjoyed the morning ride.

The rest of the day was spent painting a beautiful birthday gift for mommy and writing her a nice birthday card. After a lot of work and emotions we finally got it all done! Hope mommy likes it as much as we do!

A weekend filled with cars July 20-21, 2019

We had a weekend filled with car shows. Luca and I stopped by cars and coffee at the Rosewood in Menlo Park Saturday morning. On Sunday we went to Hillsborough Concourse courtesy of mommy’s friend John who gave us tickets for the show.

Maya and daddy finished the weekend with a 11 mile bike ride. Next step is to go for a real mountain bike ride together.