Maya at the Swedish consulate with two very stressed parents:
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Maya now officially a Swedish Citizen!
Daddy took the day off from work Friday to make another attempt at reaching San Francisco before noon on a weekday. Our last attempt was not very succeful but this time we set out early, certain that we would make it well before noon when the Swedish Consulate closes. However, we hit traffic, bad traffic and 101 was standing still while the minutes ticked away. Our beloved GPS showed an arrival time of 11:25, then 11:35 and by the time we were back to normal highway speed it showed arrival of 11:48. That would give us a mere 12 minutes to park and get to the 12 floor in the middle of the financial district....not very good odds of making it. Thanks to some aggressive driving we made it there by 11:40, dumped the car at some uber-expensive valet parking, put together the stroller and all the baby stuff like a SWAT-team on a mission and took off running around the block. We made it with bare minutes to spare and I'm sure that the Swedish Consulate closes ON-TIME every day but especially on Friday I was afraid they would cut out early. So, finally our little Maya Anna Mei is now a registered Swedish citizen. We'll get her personnummer in a month and then we can apply for her Swedish passport as well.
Maya at the Swedish consulate with two very stressed parents:
Maya at the Swedish consulate with two very stressed parents:
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I did the same thing earlier in February, I wasnt as rushed as you but I parked at a meter in Chinatown, and was awarded a parking ticket 50 seconds before I returned to the car. I saw the DPT bastard driving away!
Heja Maya!
Här finns minst 4 personer som längtar efter att få träffa er - oddsen verkar helt plötsligt mycket bättre för det om Maya får ett pass!
Halvglada (en med influensa,K, och en med magsjuka,N, och en som får ta hand om hela baletten,J)hälsningar från Lindskogs i Malmö
The joy of parking in the city. It never fails. Either you get raped in some parking garage or you get a ticket. You ned up paying for it dearly no matter what.
Hej Lindskogarna. Vi planerar faktiskt att importera den lila prinsessan pa hennes amerikanska pass (som vi inte heller har annu) och sedan ta ut passet i Sverige. Pappa behover nytt pass ocksa sa vi slar tva flugor i en small pa sa satt. Verkar som att pappa Lindskog har det kul pa hemmafronten. Jag var barnvakt hela eftermiddagen idag. Jattespannande att jonglera konferenssamtal med vaggning, trostning och lek. Det gick dock vagen tack vare att Maya sov mestadels. Pappa rakade slumra in ocksa nar han vaggade Maya till somns efter en liten uppvakning.
Ja - visst blir man expert på att hålla många bollar i luften;)
Men du Mattias - lova mig att du inte fler gånger kallar det att vara barnvakt när det handlar om din egen ängel...
Stränga hälsningar
ojoj, sorry. Jag far skylla pa min daliga svenska. Borjar bli som Dolph Lundgren. Da maste jag fraga vad det heter nar man stannar hemma fran jobbet och tar hand om sin dotter? Vad kallas det pa svenska? Maste tillagga att har i USA har vi inte fina saker som VAB etc sa det begreppet finns inte ens.
We also did the same thing with Bianca. Missed one time and made it with 5 min to spare next time. Had forgotten about that.... There was a funny doorman at first floor, big black guy, that said "välkomna" to us. Seems it was the only swedish he knew, but we looked Swedish so he felt compelled to use whatever swedish he knew I guess.
Det heter "att passa barn" eller liknande... inte barnvakt...
I Malmö är det kallt och blött som vanligt.
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