Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So daddy had his birthday last month...

Originally uploaded by MattiasC
Daddy turned 27...or something like that... last month and every year mamma and pappa (that's farmor and farfar to you Maya) send a nice gift package over. Despite my old age it's something I look forward to every year. Now, this package would normally be filled with stuff that daddy really likes, like Swedish chocolate, some good Swedish crime novel and Fantomen. This year however things have taken a turn that I'm not 100% sure I'm on board with. Look what daddy got this year! A very simple graphical novel with pull-outs. I have to admit it's kind of cool to guess what's hiding and then pull it out and see a pig or horse but I thought I had moved on to more grown up stuff. Or maybe this wasn't for me at all??


Malin said...

Men det var väl en fin bok du fick!?!?! Kan du säkert ha mycket glädje av... Kan du passa på att öva lite svenska också! =)

Har beställt en ljudbok med Astrid Lindgrens mest älskade böcker inlästa av henne själv, som jag tänkte att Maya kunde få! Hon är ju lite ung ännu, men å andra sidan man ska böja i tid det som krokigt ska bli... =)

Såg även ljudböcker med Laban etc - är det något av intresse? Kolla själv på CDON.com för Sverige - finns massor!!!

Fan Wu said...

hahah, Mommy thinks that gift suits Daddy perfectly. We all know that he's a child in his heart.


Anonymous said...

I am absolutely sure the books where intended for Mattias...

The person formerly known as Mattias, currently known as Maya's dad! Get used to it dude.

Keep up the good work with the blog, love reading about Maya's adventures in the world.

Mattias said...

Malin, ljudbocker later kanon. Jag tror Maya borjar bli trott pa att lyssna pa de svenska visorna och lite Astrid Lindgren hade nog suttit perfekt. Tack!!

Fredrik, I know I'm pretty much like a big kid....but this one was a bit too simple even for me. You have no idea how difficult it is for me to go to Toys R'Us nowadays. I'm soooooo ready to buy cool Lego kits, radio controlled cars, boats etc but Cindy is stopping me every time.