Sunday, November 30, 2008

Stimulus Package - Maya Anna Mei

Since the world wide economy is in the dumps we have launched our own economic stimulus package - Maya Anna Mei, or MAM for short. This package is meant to stimulate the economy in a broad and deep sense. So far we have taken the following actions:

- Since the American car industry is in trouble....we bought a Volvo. This action helps twofold. One it helps Ford, who is in trouble and two, it helps Volvo who is also in trouble and is laying off lots of people in Sweden. Smart move huh? (Gas mileage sucks so we are helping the oil industry inadvertently as well...)

- The lumber industry is in trouble since very few new houses are being built. We decided to not use cloth diapers and spare the environment, instead we chose to use disposable diapers so more trees are used and keep the loggers employed.

- Toy/baby industry, not sure if they are in trouble or not, but we are helping them out anyway by buying tons of gadgets for Maya.

- Electronic manufacturing, in the interest of keeping myself employed we have bought a video camera to record Maya , assorted accessories for the Nikon camera and other electronic gadgets.

- Power/Gas industry, we are now keeping the house so warm that our PG&E bill is close to double the normal cost. This keeps Maya warm and a bunch of other people employed as well.

We are working on the next step of this stimulus package right now. It was supposed to have been done already but unprecedented changes in this industry during last week has delayed this action. More to follow next week on this part of the MAM stimulus package.

/signed poor dad

Maya has graduated from size N to size 1!

Big news today......Maya graduated from diaper size N to size 1. A bit too big for her but I'm sure she'll grow into it. That's all for today. Over and out.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Papasan Swing

Originally uploaded by MattiasC
In the spirit of a hot tip from Cindy's friend Peg that the Papasan swing from Fisher Price was worth it's weight in gold (and it's heavy, I know, I have carried it back and forth from the bedroom to the living room 10 times already).

Just the look on Maya's face is worth the cost of this ugly contraption. She loves it and falls asleep every time we put her in it. It can swing sideways as well as back & forth in six different speeds. It has a mirror where she can look at herself and she is simply enamoured by her own reflection. An ugly mobile thing with bees and three different sound modes.

I wonder though, why can't they make nice, contemporary looking baby stuff? This thing is another hideous plastic thing with off white sheets of plastic and not so cool colors. Our house is going from an attempt at looking cool and contemporary to a mishmash of plastics in primary colors, bright red, green, blue and yellow.

I digress...just wanted to say that the Papasan swing works wonders and Thank You Peg for the tip.


Originally uploaded by MattiasC
This is the first Thanksgiving holiday that it really feels like we have a lot to be thankful for. Not that we didn't have a lot to be thankful for before but being new parents it hits home in a different way. We are so very thankful for our lovely little girl. She had a very rough start but has done remarkably well so far and is growing and developing every day.

Maya started smiling last week(not as often as daddy would like yet) and yesterday she started standing up in our laps. Her legs are strong and she likes being able to stand up and kick away from your lap. Mommy is less excited about it when Maya continuously kicks on the c-section incision but nevertheless very happy of the progress. She is often concentrating hard to coo and talk but she hasn't mastered her vocal cords yet. It comes out more as grunts and cries but every now and again we hear an "AAAA" or and "Ohhh". I swear she said "Hej" 3 times yesterday but unfortunately she hasn't been able to reproduce that sound again.

Thank you Maya for being such a wonderful little girl. We are so happy to have you and we are looking forward to seeing you grow.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Poop blow-out, crying and no sleep

In an effort to give mommy a break daddy has tried to do most of the night time feeding this week when he's off from work. Mommy is feeling a bit better and daddy is exhausted now.

No sooner did I write a posting on Peter and Heathers blog about how fantastic Pampers diapers are and that very night I had two major poop blow-outs. It's fantastic to try to clean a poopy squirmy little baby at 2am and then try to change two layers of new clothing. And then to repeat it all again at 5am makes it a really memorable night. or NOT?

This week has been a week with lots of changes. Maya is eating like a machine! 120ml to 150ml per feeding and she still seems hungry. Fearing projectile vomiting (which we had this morning all over our new carpet) we don't want to feed her much more than 120-ish. So as a counter measure, Maya is now waking up every 2 hours instead to get fed. She is a smart girl and has already figured out how to get what she wants.

Tonight the feedings have been difficult for dad. She seems to be in pain when she eats and starts crying after just a few sucks. Daddy then puts her on the shoulder to burp and she cries even harder to get the food she wants so badly. Daddy puts her down to continue feeding and Maya cries even harder because she's got gas or a tummy ache. 30 minutes of this and Daddy's nerves are shot and has to call in mommy for help at the midnight feeding. Magically Maya calmed down, burped nicely several times, ate calmly and is now sleeping in mommy's arms. Daddy is NOT feeling like a hero right now.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Maya's first real smile

I was very late for work this morning due to my little girl.

Cindy was feeding Maya whenI walked in to the bedroom after brushing my teeth this morning. Maya cracked up in a BIG smile when she saw me! So for the next 30 min I was smiling and talking to Maya. This is the first time she is doing "social smiling" and responding back with smiles. Up until now it's just been random "internal smiles" brought on by a nice fart or after a good feeding.

So Maya and I were smiling back at each other for a good 30 min and daddy was very late for his conference call this morning.

No pictures to show off. We were too enamoured with Maya to think of the camera.

Next week is Thanksgiving and we have mandatory time off for the whole week. Looking forward to being able to spend more time with my girls and give Cindy a well deserved break from all the feedings, diaper changes an non-stop activity that Maya has been demanding the last week.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Maya's Christmas Wish List

Just wanted to share Maya's Christmas wish list. I'm sure she will add to it as we get closer to Christmas.

  • A radio controlled car
  • A radio controlled airplane/helicopter
  • A cool slotcar setup, for example Scalectric
  • A new lens for dads camera. A Nikor VR lens that can take good close-ups so I look sharp in low-light photography.
  • A HD camcorder to film me while I grow up. 20 years from now I want to be able to see what I looked like as a baby.

    More stuff to be added later

I swear.... this IS Maya's wish list. Dad has no ulterior motives with this and is NOT trying to use his daughter to get stuff he wants. He might do some product testing while Maya is growing up but that is all in the name of safety. ok?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Samurai outfit

DSC_0235 (2)
Originally uploaded by MattiasC
Got my samurai outfit on and ready to do some damage!

Leave me alone already!

Originally uploaded by MattiasC
Oh, please leave me alone mom and dad. Enough of all this tummy time!!

Tummy time!

Originally uploaded by MattiasC
Maya is getting more and more active now that she has passed her full term due date. We are trying to put her on her tummy as much as possible and play with her. She totally likes it and head control is improving greatly as well as her interest and ability to focus her eyes on your face.

It's an amazing experience to see our little girl develop. She is putting on weight and now have several fat rolls on her legs. She is starting to look like the Michelin man. :D

Monday, November 10, 2008

Mayas new car!

Originally uploaded by MattiasC
Since all our cars are 2-door coupes (and a very unsafe Jeep) we had to buy Maya her first car already. Mom likes the pretty blue color, dad likes the 300hp engine(and the safety) and Maya likes sleeping in it. The whole family is happy :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

More park walking

Originally uploaded by MattiasC
It's great to have a nice park close to the house. This afternoon the autumn was in the air. Big Canada Geese were taking off from the lake, preparing the long trip to warmer climates for the winter.

Walk in the park

Originally uploaded by MattiasC
A couple of days later we were brave enough to walk all the way to the park.