Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hot summer day in the garden

A few weeks ago it was really very hot here 35C +. We spent every evening in the garden trying to cool off.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Three teeth

We finally managed to snap a semi-focused picture of her teeth. She's got two pearly whites and one yellow one. We have no idea why the top one came out yellow but we'll check with our doctor when she is back from vacation. A fourth one is now on it's way out as well in the top front.


All smiles (or at least mostly smiles)

This is how we are greated every morning, with a big excited smile and fierce rattling of the bed side. No matter how tired you are you can't help but smile and pick her up.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Gay pride

We took Cindy's parents to gay Pride in SF to check out the crazy parade. They thought it was great fun.



Check out the background a little closer. Waipo and waigong thought it was really fun and wanted to make sure we got it on picture.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A day at the beach

Before waipo and waigong left we took them for another drive along Pacific Highway and spent the day at the beach. We had a really nice picnic and enjoyed the sun and the water. The rip current was really strong and we witnessed a rescue right in front of our eyes. The park ranger told us it was the 8th that day so he shut down the beach and no one was allowed in the water anymore.

Maya loved the sand and water. She didn't mind the ice cold water at all and she didn't want to leave the water.

Maya and waigong watching the waves:

Closer dad!!


This sucks! I want to play in the water!

Drying off with waigong:


Back online

Sorry for the slow updates on the blog. Dad has been in China and while there Hakan got dad sick so he was out for the count for another week. Dad is now back on his feet and will work on some updates.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

In 1st gear - now with video

Ok, it's not easy to get Maya to crawl on command but here is a little look at her new skills. First a short crawl, loses focus and heads for the fireplace, mommy regains focus with a swift kick to the cube and half way through the video she takes a few "steps" forward to grab her beloved cube. Not bad for being so new at the crawling game. :-) Did I mention that dad is really proud, happy and excited? So is mom by the way but she is generally a bit more level-headed than dad when it comes to Maya.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009



A week and a half ago, June 20th, it was Swedish midsommar celebration at Sveadal. Midsommar here is like a concentrated version of what it is back home and feels more Swedish than in Sweden. Dad has celebrated midsommar here for years but this time it was different. Not the usual uncontrolled drinking, dancing all night long and passing out in a tent on the lawn/parking area type of midsommar this time.

This year was really nice and it was great to be able to show Maya some Swedish traditions. She loved the dancing around the maypole and went nuts in the little kids pool. The grown-ups actually managed to eat some herrring, new potatoes, eggs etc and drank a few snaps and beers. We had a great time as usual.


Maya's first time in a pool:

Maya's fan club:

Maya and dad checking out Little Vikings singing

Found 1st gear!!!

Maya has finally gotten out of reverse and found first gear! Today she has been able to start crawling forward on all fours. Mom and dad are ecstatic to say the least :-) Not only has she figured out to crawl forwards, she can also go from crawling to sitting position on her own.

However, her preferred mode of motion is walking on her own (while holding our hands).

Pictures and movies will be posted as soon as we've managed to capture it on tape.

1,2.....3 teeth

Maya got her first two teeth a few weeks ago. This week a big tooth has emerged in her top jaw as well.

No pictures to show off. Maya moves too fast to be able to capture any of this on camera.