Friday, December 25, 2015

Luca school Christmas party

Posting from 12/17

Luca started at new school on dec 1st. He really likes the school and the teachers there. He can now write his own name and he draws much better. Here are some cards he made for his teachers. 

Can you find Luca? 

A lazy Christmas morning

Science experiment, Lego, reading and playing

Christmas Eve

We celebrated the Christmas Eve with Amy and anders in their house. Santa came to visit, gave the kids gifts, sang with them and read a Christmas book to them, with Maya and Luca sitting on his lap. He's a big Santa and is 653 years old. His voice was resonating and his laugh laud. Maya and Luca loved him. Luca was particularly cheerful, telling Santa he misses him. 

Maya 'self-portrait. All smiles and love. Isn't she a wonderful artist. 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Luca's daily report

We receive a daily report from Luca's school.

Here's today's report:
During Large Group Time I was: Attentive, Cooperative, Participated
During Small Group Time I was: Attentive, Cooperative, Participated
I DID IT ALL BY MYSELF! Put my socks on, Put my shoes on,
Picked Up Toys, Made My Bed
Today I am so proud of myself because I: Shared with my friends; 
Followed Directions;  Used An Inside Voice;  Used Walking Feet; 
Used Gentle Touches;  Had my Listening Ears on;  Used My Words
Your Child's mood through out the day: Happy Curious Chatty Helpful
Nap Time: slept 1:35 – 3:10
AM Snack…Good Eater
Lunch..Good Eater
PM Snack...Good Eater
I ended my day on a number: 3  Luca needed several reminders today about making
better choices and use his listening ears.
Reminders and Additional Comments: Luca had a okay day. During free choice
time, Luca chose to play wood blocks. Luca was using the blocks to push people
away from him. We talked to him about sharing space. We did a “smell” test
this morning as part of our 5 senses week. The kids picked 3 of 10 jars to
smell and guess what it was. Luca’s responses for cinnamon “it’s chocolate.” For
curry, “It smells like flowers.” And for shaving cream, he said, “I think it’s
trees.” It was cute to see their reactions. Outside, Luca colored at the table
for most of the time.
10/30 Costume Party: 4:00 PM- Please bring labeled (all parts of the costume)
costumes in a bag, teachers will dress the children after nap-time. No weapons

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Our big reader

I dropped of Maya at school this morning and were a bit earlier than usual. I asked her if she wanted to run and play or if she wanted me to wait there until school started. Maya said she wanted to take the time this morning to read and that I could leave. So she sat down by the door and started reading her book and was completely in her own world . I'm a proud father!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Luca's art

Racing car Tracks?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Maya 7 years old!!

Our little girl is getting so big! Lots of awesome birthday gifts but favorites are the gym mat and the new shiny big girl bike with 6 gears, hand brakes and front suspension. Both daddy and Maya are excited to go bike riding together today!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Pappa is an excellent artist!

Pappa and Luca spend some fun time together in the afternoon. 

Mama attending a publishing conference in Beijing