Friday, November 13, 2020

Dr Nash gave Maya A+ for hard work and dedication

We are so proud of Maya! 

Today’s email from Dr. Nash with the subject: Break the Tradition. 

Hi Maya and Elle,

I just wanted to let you two know that I am breaking from my policy and tradition this trimester to allow A+s where achieved...

Given all the constraints of distance learning and the clear extraordinary and beyond-expectations work you all delivered to our class as a whole, you clearly earned an A+.

I may never return to A+s once we are back in class together as I really do not like to promote them.  But you all inspired me, especially during our Food Truck Project, that indeed A+s can be a meaningful way of sharing my gratitude for your positivity, your perseverance, and your dedication to our overall class goals.

Congratulations! And Thank You!

Dr Nash

Juli Nash
Science Teacher
Steindorf K-8 STEAM School
San Jose, California

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